Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm dying already. The prep work to write up the reflection journal is killing me. Worst, it's a never ending process - I hate reflection journals.

School had been fine for me, got to start school straight after the orientation camp,
just a bit stressful coz of the time limit given to complete the RJ
and the daily research we have to do like everyday for every module with no data to back out.
(when I'm like so used to going about being spoon fed.)
All pure research, okay, maybe 10-20 % of what the facci said in class.
Therefore, ended up skipping lunch just to get extra time during the breaks.

But I think I will survive. I will, and I have to!
I will not sway away anymore!

Easier said than done. *sigh*

Ps: Why am I still so nervous when I'm presenting!?!
It's suppose to be easier than performing on stage?!
God bless me(:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A super major breakdown.

As the title reads, I just had a major breakdown,
And i swear, it's big, well maybe just to me since i really had no idea what came over me to let me have such a big reaction over minor things in my repetive life.

Maybe i just cant control it anymore.
Just a little tired of life.
Tired of everything around me,
Tired of being told to do what i dislike.
Tired to bee controlled like a 5 yr old girl.
Tired of the insufficient freedom i getting.
Tired of just not being me.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A super expired post.

It has been long since I have updated this cringling old blog. Although I have guiltily been online all these times. Your curious minds might be asking, what am I exactly doing?

Basically nothing major at all, playing facebook games, photoshopping my pictures, talking to my JJ fanatic friends, all sort of things, except blogging, unless you are pretty willing to include marco blogging as blogging, I have been good to leave little messages about my life using twitter using my phone.

But I have much abandoned twitter as well, cause it's simply too boring to be tweetering all about life when you know nobody's reading, in anyway, at least putting something on facebook you know someone's peeping, you just dunknow cause nobody says it.

Alright so much for the cyber part of life, Shermaine had been fine physically and maybe in a way mentally, just havinga little too much of tummy upset and a major JJ hangover, although it's already a week since she have seen JJ, but her heart still beats whenever she sees pictures or videos of him. His sexiness is irrestistable. Don't you agree?

Everything that happened on 28th March is still engraved deeply in Shermaine's mind; All the watitng, sitting just to see you makes it all worth while.

Okays, I would better stop blogging right now, before I go any longer about how sexy my dear is. I still have work tomorrow, good night people. Good night. As only god knows when will I ever blog again. Ciaos people.

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