No right?
Well, at least I think otherwise, if anyone reads this tell me whether I'm abnormal to not feel anything okays!
Tell me whether it's normal for me to think tat's he's hot...
Hello world, if ure following me on twitter,
you should noe that I'm in a damn good mood now :D
Hahaha. Coz being ignored by someone so many countless pissing times,
he finally replied! Thks god for that!
Haharhhs, I noe it's not any big deal anyway...
But it just felt great talking to him all over again.
I also dunno why, it's just quite comforting and fun.
Maybe it's because he's one of the longest childhood fren that's still in contact w me.
So we can talk about anything. ANYTHING.
It's good to be cheered up.
I really hope to chat with him again(:
His my new Mr Joker(:
PS: I hope to see him this time round during chinese new year.
PS/S: He seriously made me regret picking up thai.
I should have picked up japan instead!!!!!
PS/S/S: Somemore my thai class starts tomorrow!!!! Hummmpphhhs!
PS/S/S/S: The days counting down to the release of my O lvl results are hard to go by.
PS/S/S/S/S: Going out with all my dar dar tmr,
going for a bath and going to bed~
PS/S/S/S/S/S: The sudden growing rashes are getting more and more itchy.
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