Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
My boring day ahead, and my first try on tumblr.
OMG, they are wearing apron. *Self-fantasicing state* ((:
Heeeheee, Super cute right?
Got it from a user in tumblr. Finally got a feel of using the tumblr.
Wells, quite fun and easy I shall say, it’s much more easier than have a blogger I must say.
Much easier to update compared to blogger. Much easier.
But much more possibility of spamming every meaningful crap that you see.
But it’s better than having a dead blog. ((:
Well, got nothing better to do, nothing better to blog, nothing better to type.
It’s just the same old shit.
But Shermaine is going out tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it.
Although it’s not some free and easy shit you get while going out with your buds.
But at least I’m going out, and with my buds.
Okay, I’m once again crapping. Kthxbyes.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Just look at that adorable face *faints*
-Ahemmmm- BACK!
My new wallpaper, tmr screenshot for you all to see^^
I’m back from the outing. Had been out the entire day. Plus, a super long and crazy oovoo session with my dearest mates. Plus super crazing of screenshoting JJ in L.A videos.
I’m worn out. Drained.
Therefore, that new icon that I have changed and the pic that I have screen shot-ed will keep you entertained for now. Be back soon for more updates. Thou doubt that I will. But I will try(not). Goodbyes.
PS: All friends, strangers and passers-by. Pls credit if you’re taking the pic.
It’s not exactly mine. It’s from JJFO! (: They RAWK.
I’m starting to not know what I’m talking about.
Edits: And so I didn't got to update my post. Hehee.
Friday, May 28, 2010
It's finally the holidays. The period I'm waiting for for ages since school started.
But now that it is here. I don't why but feel a sense of aimlessness and uselessness.
Maybe knowing that I will have a long week ahead all freed up scares me.
Hmmmmm, still looking for chance to find some one to go out with.
There is a lot of things to be done, but there's not a lot of things I don't to do.
Gosh, this is killing me.
Hope that when an activity comes by, I will be permitted to go.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hello, people. I'm having a good time in poly. (That's a lie.)
Heehee, I'm just joking, but I still miss my secondary school life. Don't ask me why. I'm just missing it a lot. A little more than I should. Plus, have a major hangover for my log and matrix. Don't really feel like blogging le. Haha. Shall go back to study. Disappointed with my grades, ciao.
PS: To people who think poly would be better than sec, you 're absolutely wrong. Cherish more of what you have, have no regrets in life.
PS/S: I think I just totally forgotten I had another RJ to write. God, save me.
Edit:- (After 40mins) I'm done with a 754 words RJ crap. Lucky they just ask more about my life. Not what I learn, so can crap a lot. Haha. Best, it's not graded. HAHA(:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A super major breakdown.
And i swear, it's big, well maybe just to me since i really had no idea what came over me to let me have such a big reaction over minor things in my repetive life.
Maybe i just cant control it anymore.
Just a little tired of life.
Tired of everything around me,
Tired of being told to do what i dislike.
Tired to bee controlled like a 5 yr old girl.
Tired of the insufficient freedom i getting.
Tired of just not being me.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
A super expired post.
It has been long since I have updated this cringling old blog. Although I have guiltily been online all these times. Your curious minds might be asking, what am I exactly doing?
Basically nothing major at all, playing facebook games, photoshopping my pictures, talking to my JJ fanatic friends, all sort of things, except blogging, unless you are pretty willing to include marco blogging as blogging, I have been good to leave little messages about my life using twitter using my phone.
But I have much abandoned twitter as well, cause it's simply too boring to be tweetering all about life when you know nobody's reading, in anyway, at least putting something on facebook you know someone's peeping, you just dunknow cause nobody says it.
Alright so much for the cyber part of life, Shermaine had been fine physically and maybe in a way mentally, just havinga little too much of tummy upset and a major JJ hangover, although it's already a week since she have seen JJ, but her heart still beats whenever she sees pictures or videos of him. His sexiness is irrestistable. Don't you agree?
Everything that happened on 28th March is still engraved deeply in Shermaine's mind; All the watitng, sitting just to see you makes it all worth while.
Okays, I would better stop blogging right now, before I go any longer about how sexy my dear is. I still have work tomorrow, good night people. Good night. As only god knows when will I ever blog again. Ciaos people.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another piece of shit.
I have finally bought my button.
And guess what, I'm not very happy about it even though I should.
Regardless of the advantages that wow-ed and psycho-ed me in the first place,
The other upcoming disadvantages or should I say defects are failing me, making me regret my very choice.
Maybe to many, there isnt much of a problem or issue to you, but the unbalanced stereo is seriously bugging me. Making me unknowingly tilt my head to see if the sound will miraclously be leaking to the other end.
Life's realy a shitty piece of game.
Friday, March 19, 2010
What's wrong with me?
Shermaine didnt had a boring aka no life day.
She was with part of her frens out on a buffet date,
which in a way was fun, it has been long since I ever laughed so carefreely.
It's like a date that has no boundaries, nobody cared whether you were ugly, fat or short.
And it has been long ever since I had opened up this openly into a talk.
Today they let me into a new definition of friendship.
In some ways, it's indeed in some way stress relieving after having so much of my no life crap.
After all these crap about stepping into another stage of your life,
meeting new friends, new challenges and being in a new environment.
If you know me well enough, you would jolly well know that I'm not a person who like unfamiliarity, more to say adapt to it perfectly without flaws.
Although the JJ gathering once again proved me wrong.
But seriously, I suddenly just feel this huge sense of unfamiliarity gushed into my life once again.
Seeing all my friends moving on, adapting into their new stage of life.
But to tell the truth as a matter of fact, I'm also changing, blending into this on moving change,
turning into a much different person compared to the past.
An good example is a big change in my music sense, I have no idea to what's going on in my head, but nowadays, I find myself tuning into gold 95, listening to the tunes and finding it nice, compared to the songs from singer like jj lin( which is wierd), alan luo, dbsk, shinee and etc.
I'm not saying that I would totally block them out of my life since they have already gave me so much joy, but it's just damn odd.
I know that's not a good example to show that I have changed, but even from the jj lin event,
I have been finding myself doing things I have never done or will never think I have the guts to do so.
Is this change even good?
What's wrong with me?
PS: This is the first time I think a post looks perfectly fine without a picture on top.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
In the end, it's still back to square one.
The thought of having people linking my old link, and ended up turning shame-island, a domain I used for more than4 years end up to be just another dead link is already giving me the creeps.
Haha, so it's still back to shame-island.
All I can say about my life is that Shermaine seriously have no life.
She has led another moment of her life in her own world doing nothing much, even her own mobile phone has gone quiet.
She wants her life back.
Human beings are seriously so funny, when God gives them back their hectic lifestyle,
they would complain how life sucks, and how they want a break when they can escape away from their hectic lifestyle and take a breath.
But when God gives them a super duper carefree life, yes, they might be very happy at first.
When everything starts to slow down to the way they want, but as time goes by,
they will start whining all over again to how boring their life can be.
How irony can humans be?
What do I really want?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
It's that dream come true!!!!
and got to be one of the lucky 30 fangirls to have a private meeting w JJ!!!!
3. I'm so attracted to him!!!
But at last, after all these, at last I still drew a card for him. Yes, only a card.
The event was like more than what I was expecting,
but it's like NO, it's not like that...
It's like firstly JJ comes in, then like we're all not suppose to take pics of him.
it's so cool to see this side of him, the childish and funny side of him.
This is for JJ, although i noe that he will never ever see it,
I had fun, Imy. It's that dream come true.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Chuuuu~ (L)
:) Hellos ----- XD
Finally recieved my admission letter alr(:
Dont know shld say that shld be relieved that it's finally here,
or complain abt how it's much more complicated that what I expected.
although I alr complete part of the admin stuff,
there's still 3/4 more for me to go.
*Maybe a bit exaggerated*
PS: I finally got to swim again(L)
But I think due to that, my flu bug's back):
i have been sneezing for the nth times.
I think I missed the times in CCHY too much,
that I start to wear that camp/P.E/grad tee that I hate so much in the past.
Sunday, February 28, 2010

And so, I didnt updated my blog even I said I will few days back.
But I'm back now, typing, updating this rather dead blog(:
Because I finally got use the com, like finally.
Thanks to my sis, my mom has been like blocking the internet connections.
So, no internet = boring life. HAHA.
Laugh, Laugh ur head off.
And to add matters abit more shitty,
my admission letter isnt here yet!
I mean like c'mon Mr/Mrs/Miss Postman/Postlady.
Pretty please send my letter <3~
Don't leave me out, or be like that letter that dad mentioned!
(That letter got lost for 250years before anyone received it, bloody hell!)
So basically, slacked my life watching TV again.
Hmmm, rearranged my bedside photos too.
Love it to the max now(:
And spent the later part of the day using com,
well actually looking for the brown domo-kun t-shirt,
found it very cute, but didnt find it in BKK.
So like wanted to get it in SPORE.
But it's like, life's a piece of shit for me,
All not of suitable size.
So I gave up and settled for a SUPERMAN one instead.
But feel like giving up, coz like I just found another shop that has the domo-kun shirt of my size.
but it's abit more ex than the one im getting,
w/o the delivery fee somemore.
and I worry that she alr order,
besides I think I was an irritating customer + she claimed I was the last cust she was taking.
later tio blacklist, better not risk it.
so I thought maybe next time barhhs.
Haiis, sad case.
PS: I need to rush that proj out for Saiy before sch starts.
Shall do it tmr! YES I WILL!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Super long post, up to you to read.
Damn sian, time passes so quickly!
I'm finally back in Singapore.
Bought loads of clothes and stuff.
*Yeps, of course I'm happy(:
Yeps, I did see the people I'm suppose to me thou there's a big wu long behind the whole drama, that even I'm confused.*
But, I dont think I'm going to post the pics,
at least not now(Im using the wulu com in the living room)
Coz it's like all my pics add up to about a thousand altgt.
*Nope, they are not zi lian pics, it's just that there are so many things to take*
Dun ask me why, coz me cant give u the answer too(:
Therefore, with that amount of pics to clear and filter,
seriously no mood to update,
might be updating, might be not,
depends on my mood seriously,
and I mean seriously, but one thing confirm is,
Ure sure gonna see some of the pics,
as I'm thinking of changing my blogskin again, using the bkk pics,
as I mentioned before, this plain black and white blogskin wont last long.
Right, other than that, life has been perfect,
after resting a day at home, watching K-ON all day,
*due to an anime advert I saw on animax in BKK(:*
+ after all the chaos and sunburn.
I went out entirely close to one whole day...
(okay, i dunno it's the grammar or what, something sounds wrong w the sentence)
went to yishun stadium's gym w Jasmine in the morning——afternoon.
(dont ask me why if u noe which J i'm talking about, we just like talked again,
and stuff like that and she jio me to gym. I guess she will most probably be one of my gym-ing frens le, since she dont mind working out
but just hopes that she doesnt get VIP and U noe.
The whole gugu gaga story starts again.)
Went to CCHY w 天线宝宝.
wearing sch uniform -.-III
got mocked by teachers, saying we are comical
But we din noe that we dont hav to wear okay?
Saw Mdm Ng, Mrs Ng, Mr Lim, Mr Jellyfish and Mdm Goh(:
Then coz we wearing uniform, they stunned for awhile when they saw us,
how hilarious, not -.-
We even bus-ed to NP w Mdm Goh,
Shopped shopped awhile w 天线宝宝, rushed home and prepare for thai class,
*Saw Lian Jie+ Beneo+ Daimin+Clinton @ yishun MRT
Said Happy CNY- then goodbyes. LOL!*
PS: At last blur till forget to shake hand w C's gf. LOL.
didnt really pay attention today, felt guilty X:
But was not feeling too well the whole time, head was spinning and spinning.
But dont go like a bit waste money, at least head spinning still can absorb up to 60%
Better than nothing(:
Right, still not feeling very well, better go catch some sleep. Nites.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I'm going to bangkok-!!!!!
* i know this is a super unglam pic, but this is the most related pic i hav in my phone now*
Yeps, u read it rite!
Due to the reason;
I cant use my com, lols!
Though this year is like not so into mood as compared to last year,
But to follow up to every year's frantic comments of:
So that i can laugh my head off when i happen to read it years later.
To people reading my blog,
I didnt sleep a wink, wasted my time play GAMEBOY COLOR
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Super contented. Seriously!
We shopped around causeway point, walked all over in the pasah malam,
even went to RP just to calculate how long it exactly takes to get there,
coz we dun wan late for sch, huh?
And even eat there. LOLS!
After all these crap, all I wan to say is,
I had fun. That simple! HAHA!
*U just wasted one minute reading the details, when U can just know the main point in a second! HAHA! Taught by little book of twitter! HAHA!*
Btw, we finally got mao's present.
*I enlargen the words so as to grab ur attention
because txbb just told me my blog looks too wordy to be noticed due to the plain appearance, compared to the previous one. So it's the only thing I can do to make U notice! ^^ Heehees!*
Yep, finally. We got her a present, after hearing the same nagging over and over again
of her not getting her present. HAHA.
Guess it's not something very ex, but it will be something special.
Hopefully. Of course.
But of course, since I have alr got ur attention to let u noe that she's gonna have a present...
I'm not telling what is it.
Cause there's a very high chance of her reading this very paragraph due to the striking sentence on the top.
So, AmeliaGFT, if u're reading this.
Life's a piece of shit, and I'm still awesome! AHAHAHA!
I have also got a perfect idea for tian xian bao bao's birthday alr! HAHA!
But I'm a cheapo person. So, dun think too much huh?
Just hope she likes it(:
Monday, February 1, 2010
I cant believe my eyes!
I mean like, if u noe me well enough personally,
U would have heard me whine about this vietnam guy, Wanbi
and that I have made a vid to show the similarities.
Not to critize but just to show my happiness.
&& Guess what, I have been surfing youtube as normally as I would normally.
And I saw my video favourited on JJ's youtube profile!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The current Shermaine is a tired Shermaine.
Welcome to my blog again.
How's life going to all of you?
For Shermaine had a tired say today,
Thks to her fairy god like mother(: Tyvm.
She had a job vacancy to fill up.
Just perfect NOT!
She gad to cancel a friend outing unwillingly, yet willingly just so that she can make her fairy god like mother happy.
And in a way, make her life a little more better.
You know i dont really like nagging?
I mean all of u hate it too right?
No matter in whatever form.
But it?s like damn like damn crap la.
I mean like i havent started working,
but yet I'm alr like dozing off the chair while listening music. Lols.
The rest of the day just drifted past till i end work.
But that's the way life works isnt it?
Piece of shit. Hahaha.
Ps: went to chinatown, but still didnt get my bakwa!!!
Ps/s: shermaine has composed part of this msg using her hp's sms's function coz the wi-fi at her work place cant work. Lols.
Ps/s/s: she's still listening to show luo's luo sheng men, i must say, this new album of his is not bad! Haha!
Ps/s/s/s: looking forward to tmr,
Coz mei is going to camp!
Haha. Wish i was the one going...
Jalan bertera sia. Make me think of sec 3 camp.
I must say. I miss CCHY! Hahaha.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
How dumb can I be?
u will try all ways to get it.
But when it becomes a part of ur life,
U take it as a normal thing, soon after the happiness fades off.
Surplus when other temptations sip in.
U get blinded, ungrateful.
Bloody shit.
Going to bed soon, it's alr 3.30 in the morning.
Hope that i can still stick to txbb no matter wad.
-{Edit of what I wanted to blog, as i promised on twitter}-
Rite. Was pretty busy this few days.
Coz it's like on tuesday,
went to bugis to walk walk,
help mao find a decently small bag.
walking in bugis seriously made me feel like im in bangkok.
Even some of the things there, have thailand price tag. LOL.
but the difference is like, u understand what the person is speaking,
coz u're still in singapore. haha.
Then next, hanged out at bugis junction and kinokunia.
(Hope that I didnt spell it wrongly. haha.)
and I finally bought a thai guide book! Yes!
Then on wednesday, it's like the release of the posting results.
I got woken up like before 8 am,
by my dearest 母亲大人
coz I went in to BIOMEDICAL!!!!!!
It's like a miracle.
Coz like many ppl didnt 看好我会被入取
but at last I am!!!
and so, my happy day started. Lol.
Hanged out @ Simlim like the whole day,
wells, doing all sorts of stuff that I need to do.
Finally got my mp3 speakers. Love it to the max!
Was super tired to the max too~
&& Thks to my dearest fairygod like mother!
I dont have to pay a single cent back coz i went in to biomedical!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
fucking irritated day.
I'm not in a very good mood, tyvm.
Ignored, ignored, ignored.
I have typed this word many times and sweared to never let it affect me again,
but again and again, I still get hit by it from time to time.
It's reakky fucking irritating to be treated like that. It's like ur kindness/affection gets treated like dog poo out on the streets.
Cool down, shermaine. Chill.
Look on the bright side of life, even if it's a piece of shit.
Shermaine once again led a boring life today.
Got nagged, got pissed, got moody, got emo. Lol.
The only difference; I got to go out due to my weekly thai language class(:
Learned much more today,
God, even my notes are advancing,
There are no more english translations):
Ps: some people are seriously pain in the ass.
Ps/s: I'm getting redder. If u noe what i meant. Lols.
If not just shuddup. I dont need ur comments.
I dont think I was that awesome today & that life's a piece of shit. A really big piece.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
(the net is also seriously at a 慢到不行status.)
Even the photoshop brushes are unavailable on her acc when I wan to edit a decent avi on CR
Feel so useless and timeless now.
Going to bed soon.
Didnt do much things today again.
I'm seriously wasting my life away this holiday.
Wells, at least, I spent 5hrs editing mao's blogskin.
Wonder why, after having mental block for so long in everything I do,
I finally have inspirations.
Here's a preview anyway.
(More @; free publicity!
Going to check whether my brush works on my acc. .
Monday, January 18, 2010
Shermaine had a very vivid nightmare.
Quote of the day.
"The environment we live in will always force a person to put on masks that even yourself will hate."
No particular reason for putting up this phrase just find it very true.
Anyways, life started early today for me. Super early.
不是因为我乖,是因为我做恶梦。 /:
So creepy. -.-
Plus, since it's early in the morning,
there's not much dramas that appeals to me.
Therefore, as a current stay-home computer geek,
I on-ed com to entertain myself.
Twittered all way. Heeehhees(:
I'm falling more and more for twitter(L)
Not forgetting, my drama; 斗牛要不要.
The two male leads seriously very shuai sia! 帅帅帅!
And that seriously helps me in forgetting that nightmare.
Also made me felt nostalgic all over again):
**wonders why does she always have that feeling when Shermaine wakes up damn early**
But I slept again on mom's bed all over again as soon as I finished the ep,
& only woke up around 3.30.
Wonder how I'm going to fall asleep properly again tonight.
*prays hard that I wont get any nightmare, and I'm serious*
Alright(: !
Other than that, I finally arranged the playlist in my MP3 and handphone,
which I had been wanting to do it since days(:
*I'm a procrastinator(: *
Plus, Mummy finally promised me to get me a new MP3 (L) yeah!
Going to watch one ep of any of the dramas I'm watching, and maybe hit the books or revise my thai.
You know I always fall asleep super duper fast into a long nong coma rite after reading late into the nite(:
PS: I think the side icon on my bs is seriously becoming a mood indicator of what I'm facing right now(: Heehheees!
Look on the bright side of life, people & u know I'm awesome people!
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wells, not really larhhs,
it starts w. I'm so AWESOME!
Apart of life's a piece of shit(:
Anyways, found a cute pic online while trying to find some banner for mao :3
Nothing basically happened today in my life,
(only twitted alot and of course update my dead and smelly facebook(: ;
of course drank loads of water! Keep getting painful sore throat in the morning.)
and nope, I didnt watch any of my dramas):
I will tomorrow!
{Edited after going to bed(: ; using my e71}
Wells, maybe i did do something,
Spent half of the day making mao's bs.
Spent time finding loads on the net,
but none matched our citeria.
Meaning to say, cute enuff, pefect enuff or to say editable friendly.
And guess what we ended using my current bs, but a different feel.
Sort of like a twinnie bloggie(:
Which hers, now starts w.
Have a break, w. my strawberry cake.
Rythmes rite. Also v. cute, at least to me?
Wells, though our twinnie time is seriously coming towards an end.
{End of edit (L)}
Good nite people, before i get caught and not nagged, but scolded.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Finally, previews of my icons.

Life has been eventfully well for me.
Simply because may things took place this week.
1. Getting to know my O lvl results.
(Scored not very well, failed a particular extreme unexpected subject)
2. Submiting of JAE choices.
(Not an easy task if u have done it before, imagine selecting 12 choices)
3. Going to the second lesson of thai.
(Cool, our naggy teacher finally turned fast, completed many vocabs in just one hour!
and of course, I finally revised(: )
4. Outing w. tian xian bao bao.
(Wells, particularly to say, she's most hopefully hopeful that I would be staying in contact w.
& I'm lovin' that. Really hope that she gets into the same course as me(: )
5. My first attempt in trying to make some icons.
(I have been always wondering why people make icons for, as they are like always so small and stuff, but now, (due to my bored schedule) when I finally tried,
I finally understand the fun of making them(: )
Gonna post them up soon enuff when I think I have finished enuff in quantity.
but,here's some preview(:
Heehees, U noe I mainly belong to the

Always look on the bright side of life, dude!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It's my life.

Say I good life or what, haha.
I have been soaking on dramas the whole day.
Yes, the whole day. Be jealous. LOLS.
Dou niu yao bu yao in the morning,
and love beyond frontier 2 at nite!
**Finally lived one day according to how I have planned before my Os ended. **
Nothing much to blog seriously as, I have already said, I watched dramas all day long.
okay, maybe one, MIKE HE's hawt! (L)
I dunno why,but everytime I see him in dou niu yao bu yao,
I feel he feels a bit like Edward Cullen.
The chinese version that is.
* if any twilight fans storm pass and decides to chiang xia, go ahead *
Wells, besides my boring schedule today,
surprisingly, she finally called me.
But also due to some issues she had on her mind due to posting.
I'm out of her league now, and I noe our frenship's gonna end soon,
due to us having to step into another stage of our lives.
I'm happy to noe you. Goodbye. Whatsoever.
PS: I dunno it's me or what, but I feel I'm seriously thinking too much at times.
Too negetive too.
Like Sand said, I should really look more on the brighter side of life.
PS/S: It's fun tweetering with Lihui (L)
PS/S/S: Time flies, I'm having another thai class tmr. Gosh.
I havent practiced much yet):
Monday, January 11, 2010

you would know that I have been crapping about my "life's a piece of shit" theory.
But now, all I can say is, I'm really landed in big shit now.
Why must that subject fail out of the others?
I know I shouldnt be looking on the dark side of life,
and should be happy for whatever comes my way.
But I just cant. I really cant.
I just cant think of a further w/o a cert,
I have no mood to blog le, byexkyth.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Finally, a new blogskin! <3

Wells, whatever, it's not really my style or whatsoever,
I'm just tired of all the drama in the world,
and just want to tune down for a bit,
which includes my previous skin, which I now look back is too loud and unpersonal.
I know I will get sick of it really soon,
all these plain, simplicity.
but just make it worth while(:
Getting my results in a few hours,
Dunno what to say,
time seriously passes too fast, way too fast.
Remembering the time I was just free from that big O,
enjoying my life to it fullest potential.
After which, not so long after,
the poly open house's pamphlets start spamming into ur letterbox,
and soon, it was the real open house.
Which to me equals to a few more last sessions of having to hang out with your clique as a secondary school student.
Now this is it, the moment that I have been waiting for from sec 1.
PS: The poly open house goodie bags are seriously taking too much of my space.
Friday, January 8, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No right?
Well, at least I think otherwise, if anyone reads this tell me whether I'm abnormal to not feel anything okays!
Tell me whether it's normal for me to think tat's he's hot...
Hello world, if ure following me on twitter,
you should noe that I'm in a damn good mood now :D
Hahaha. Coz being ignored by someone so many countless pissing times,
he finally replied! Thks god for that!
Haharhhs, I noe it's not any big deal anyway...
But it just felt great talking to him all over again.
I also dunno why, it's just quite comforting and fun.
Maybe it's because he's one of the longest childhood fren that's still in contact w me.
So we can talk about anything. ANYTHING.
It's good to be cheered up.
I really hope to chat with him again(:
His my new Mr Joker(:
PS: I hope to see him this time round during chinese new year.
PS/S: He seriously made me regret picking up thai.
I should have picked up japan instead!!!!!
PS/S/S: Somemore my thai class starts tomorrow!!!! Hummmpphhhs!
PS/S/S/S: The days counting down to the release of my O lvl results are hard to go by.
PS/S/S/S/S: Going out with all my dar dar tmr,
going for a bath and going to bed~
PS/S/S/S/S/S: The sudden growing rashes are getting more and more itchy.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Been feeling nostalgia the whole day,
since the moment I stuck a toothbrush in my mouth,
t0 eating my breakfast pancake in that khatib mac that used to share the many memories of us.
To think i used to hate sch to the max,
giving me all those stress and problems,
giving me all the breakdowns when I dont need them.
but now, I really miss it,
the fun and the moments that took my breath away.
I miss every bit of it, from the demanding requirements of teachers,
to the sucky canteen food I have eaten for 5 years.
And the way I have been trying to tie my hair.
With that stupid center parting.
But it's a part and parcel of growing up I guess.
I miss every bit more and more obvious even when I start arranging my external hard disk.
Seeing all the photos that I have taken with them,
makes me think of the dumb things we have done together.
Looking at the twinnie vid and the JSTV completed segment really makes me feel...
nostalgia... i guess.
For the few things I think I would miss the most would be JSTV
and of course my grad nite(:
I think I would also miss their laughters...
Even till now, while worrying my results,
I'm still trying very hard to maintain that friendship I have built with them all these while,
I noe it would be hard,
having to split into our different paths.
But I will try. Promise.
PS: I have been reading up people's new year resolutions,
I wonder if it works, but I'm counting my lucky stars and hope it really works.
1.Pls let my O lvl results L1R4 be lesser than 19.
(hope I'm not too greedy; have been quarreling too much w my parents about my future, giving me this score would give me a better hope)
2.God, just bless me and my family to have a smooth year ahead;
3. Bless my parents better business ahead.
That's all I hope... Serious.