Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009
Call me lucky!
PS: I really am, maybe just for today,
I didnt sprain my ankle despite multiple ankle spraining falls.
I finally can log in! YES!
Wells, if you people know me well enough,
you should probably noe that I'm a hardcore big blur sotong by nature which lose things easily.
Due to the O, I tried to avoid seeing JJ at all cost,
you know how easily I get distracted by JJ huh?
**DIMPLE!!!!! okays, joking...**
And so, I didnt log in to all the JJ fansites for a couple of months I guess,
and when I was free from the big O,
It was under maintainance, and so, cookie of keeping you logged in are all erased,
so when it's like done, and ready for log in,
Cool rite?
And I cant log in no matter wad...
Till i was about to create another acc,
But MIRACLES do happen,
haharhhs, after all this crapping,
here's the main point, I was bored @ my mother's fren house,
and the passcodes just popped out of my head,
and that's why you get to see the latest JJ on the top of the post!
Anyways, Cheers!
Merry Xmas 2009!^^
PS: Tian Xian Bao Bao is the best!
Hai Mian Bao Bao will always love you!
PS/S: Just found this"perfect news" from LiHui!!!!
100days w JJ freebies of JJ party4 and xie zhen only comes in the first batch of CDs
and I cant buy it till after xmas!
I cant wait!!! G.D.S!
Monday, December 21, 2009
OMG! I can put all the songs that I love!!!
And seeing that big screen.
Saying about music,
Baobeiix JJ's 7th album is finally out!
I seriously want it! It's like OMG!
But it's like I cant really get it near my place,
The CD outlets in my area closed down. KBVXYZ^&**&*!
Plus, since there is no sch now = no pocket money
also = no income, only output = no money
= cannot really buy JJ's new album.
Going to check out CDrama real soon,
coz i dont think i really can hold much longer.
I'm finally back to add some colours to my blog,
to prove that I have not forgotten it,
but seriously,
dont you people out there think that there are seriously nothing to blog nowadays?
okays, maybe it's just for my case.
wells, I have been attending pre-xmas functions,
but hav not felt any xmas mood yet even till now.
Sad case rite? :X
Oh, did I mention that, I'm becoming more of a geek than I was when I'm having my O lvls.
Sighs, it's a bit crappy,
but I have been editing pictures to design xmas cards for my cuz
for consecutively 3 days,
to catch up with the pre xmas party they held yesterday.

And i was contented just by the few encouragements of the adults there when they saw it.
But it was enough... [;
PS: I finally changed my blog song! Hope you people like it as much as I do X3
JJ ishh the best! Wahahaa!
*I'm humming to it right now~ 这一种加油人人都需要~*
PS/S: I need a new blogskin! Argghhhh!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
One of the "best" days of my life! Bullshit!
Seriously people, I have had enough of those people with no common sense!
It's like a like some scientist wanted to borrow their brains
and had forgotten to return it to them on time.
Why do they all choose to piss me off on these very day?
1st Candidate
It's not like I always love to mention names. TYVM.
Is just that wont she just give up?!
and stop pissing me off, again and again?!
Get a life girl. I believe nothing but hardcore evidence.
I have met many Jasmine(s) in my life
You're seriously the worst one I have met. TYVM.
What's w. the attitude if U are like obviously lying in the first place.
Stop pissing people off when u seriously is bored and wan some company.
2nd Candidate
*For this, I would like to not mention her name,
but if u noe me well enough, you should be able to smell ur way thru*
Wells, firstly, why do she always want things to have it her way.
It's not as if she's the queen or something.
It's not like I have done anything wrong.
Sometimes, people let things ur way is because people wans to maintain a well relationship w u.
But seriously, you give people the feeling that you are actually just a person who 过河拆桥.
U are often neglected by ur clique, even looked down on,
have you ever thought why?
You may be more popular in sch than me due to various reasons,
But to me sometimes, you are just empty inside.
Saying of being looked down, who are the ones that stood by you?
who are the ones that 帮你出头when you are verbally bullied.
Touch ur heart and ask that qn.
You have always said that you have ur reasons not agreeing to something ppl requested.
Have you ever thought people have their own 苦衷when they didnt do it like it's suppose to go?
Stop being a fool and think that everything will go away.
Save the ship before the ship abandons U thinking you're a worthless fool for it to carry.
I have finished my piece but I noe u will nv see it.
I would also noe that the anger in this post I showed would just fade away within days.
And soon we are even going to hang out together.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

There's a reason for every smile,
There's a reason for every tear,
There's a reason for every worry,
There's a reason for everything.
It's just a normal procedure that we have to go through right?
It seems to get much more complicated that it was the last time I have been through it.
I'm tired, wearing that cheery mask that I have to wear to make others happy.
It's sickening. Having to be looked down everytime.
Especially from those you feel so close.
Waking up into the cold reality just freaks me out.
Everything seemed to be really fast forward-ing.
You may say, I'M A SORE LOSER. I ADMIT.
But dont you feel lost when everything you treasured is about to disappear?
Or even when things you wish with your every last hope dont go your way?
Like people always say, if something/someone comes and blends into ur life.
You would never hope it would change in a way or other.
That includes the sad fact- leaving or changing how you are.
But as I always say, that's parcels of life.
Live in it, and expect it to happen.
Why cant reality be as good as it seemed in the past?
Or maybe in fact as always, what it seemed to be?
I'm sorry if you think you have wasted minutes of life reading this.
But I appreciate ur efforts. Thks.
As here is seriously the only dumpster I can afford to find to absorb my rantings
when I'm having my moodswings; cum emo-ing session.
Again, this post is brought to you by my mobile.
I hav no idea, how it's gonna look on a normal com.
But it's looking fine here w my e71. Haiis.
Batteries are soon die-ing. Bye people.
{Edit- Have alr changed abit of its looks w the com :D}
Thursday, November 26, 2009
*nod nod* yes I did.
But the chest pains im having now is really killing me to the max.
Waking up from my sleep...
That sucks w two thumbs up. Damn.
Plus mediacorp playing a show that had just finished playing not too long ago; yi nan wang.
Makes my mood even worse.
Muscle relaxers, pls show ur mights.
Let me go back to sleep,
Dont let me lose that motivation I'm havin now
I hav a goal in mind.
Dont let me lose faith like I always do. *prays*
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wearing that cchy uniform.
Doing that killer prelim papers, suffering in that cold air-con hall.
Dont ask me why.
I mean people are like that most of the times.
When they are going through or having something they always did hav,
they take for granted of that.
And they end up grumbling to everything around them):
I'm indeed missing th times when I'm mugging.
And waiting for that moment of freedom...
I really am.
Now that I hav got it. It seems not as great as it seems to be.
As the worst has yet to come.
Challenges and worries awaits ahead.
PS: I had done something really dumb and stupid and that guilt is really taking over me.
However, there's nothing I can do,
but to hope for the best to be blessed upon the one I hav alr hurt.
For God, pls heal her, she's the innocent party here,
suffering due to my immature act.
Saturday, November 14, 2009

*Giving a proud and evil smug*
Wells, I still went for the bbq at last due to some changes here and there.
Like I still went to the venue w Varina.
Thks Girl! *Smiles*
And it was fun!
I didnt regret one bit of it. .
Playing games and eating our hearts out!
Loads of DRAMA~
especially to the part that we just couldnt start the fire for the bbq pit.
And had to end up asking from the neighbouring pit which seemed to have stopped bbq-ing
And they were kind enuff to give us most of theirs...
The guy even asked us to take a pic as a price or something.
Can feel that the guy must have felt something for Varina or something.
He just gives a wierd glance when I always walk past,
and finally asked one of the times, where was she.
So, if ur inference skill is good enough...
U might end up w the same conclusion.
But, for one more thing.
Pls help me pray that the pic doesnt get on web or edited for anything insane for any matter.
As my fugly face is also inside.
I am not trying to be unsociable or anything.
But they are not people we noe to begin w.
*Just dont think about it too much...*
HA! Wells. Definitely better than last year's,
But many didnt turn up this year.
Plus, Mrs Lee was unwell):
Wells, but everything turned out well, I guess.
Except that it ended a bit too early than I expected,
due to last year's incident that most stayed to play games.
Heys! Extra News!!!!
If u noe me long enough,
you should have known that I was super crazy about man of the house years back right.
With one of the female lead, Jess teong?
She's back!
In a singapore production, xiang wo ni de shou!
Super happy that my deductions are right when I first saw her in the MMV.
But seriously, why is she wearing that ugly wig that makes her look so damn ugly?!
Damn the production crew! _l_ *frowns*

and dont noe what she really looks like without the wig.
Here it is...

Friday, November 13, 2009

But what can I do to be stucked in such a situation like this.
Cry till the skies drop? Nice idea.
Being unpopular in everything I can be is already bad enuff.
Not that I'm discontented about my lovely clique(L).
They are the nicest people I have met in my entire life. TYVM.
No doubt, thinking to even go into seperate routes in the future,
that feeling sucks too. I admit I guess.
Even though I'm really pinning my hopes that at least we get into the same institute,
it wont be the same anymore.
Nothing's gonna be the same.
** Why am I having a big mood swing when I have just tasted freedom?!**
I just dunno why I dont always dont like the feeling of leaving.
The sense of unfamiliarity just freaks me out further.
Maybe it's just the sense of insecurity.
I need a shoulder to lean on,
cry in a place where i can really cry out loud.
I'm just having one of another of my mood swings.
Therefore, if people out there have any comments to make it worse,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
And I'm finally tasting the kind of freedom that I hav nt tasted for yrs!
**Mr Sunshine is gleaming @ me! (Like finally?!)**
ความเป็นเอกราช !!!
I'm starting all my crapping fooling all over again!
Feeding to my every addictions!
Playing com, reading novels, gleaming at hunks! *blushs*
Playing in timezone, in fact any arcade centers w no fears and burden.
=P Play shooting games till our throat actually croaks.
This is seriously...
I'm now enjoy this every moment!(: (L)
With the biggest fugly smile I can ever give!
Would be back w more! (hopefully, soon enuff)
If I dont get to obsess w my dramas(L),
which I think I seriously would.
So Miss Me! (I noe I'm being BHB(: I dont care!)
**Life is full of hope now!**
~I seriously hope it will last...seriously?~
Monday, November 2, 2009

I know I shouldn't be blogging,
But I think I just couldn't hold it much longer,
After leaving it to die and rot for so long.
For those who are reading.
The generously big O hav been relatively nice to me, nothing major,
Not to mention the ss paper I didn't complete today.
History paper tomorrow, wish me luck! (:
Death Note is my new addiction x3!
This fugly post is proud got to u by my handphone.
I seriously dont know how it looks like(:
Monday, September 28, 2009
It has since long since i hav updated this blog.
Shall I call, this trashbin of mine.
It has been tiring, i guess,
mock after mock, review after review and tuition after tuition.
Wells, maybe there is... breaks i guess.
Having to eat expensive meals outside.
Draining my parents heard earned money... Just Perfect NOT!
I guess that's the way isnt it? Enjoy th "process" while we still can.
It's since 14 days, since i have checked up anything. YES.
Everything, from emails, facebook to blog.
Even now, with this short slacking period im using now to complain about life,
I'm also using it from the time i have given for myself to glance thru th asknlearn.
Utterly PATHETIC i shall say.
Wells. Get back to work ppl. *No one's reading*
O lvls jus a few crawling days away.
*Shermaine learnt how to do partial fractions today and spent $14 eating XIN WANG!
Dumb or wad!* :D
Monday, September 14, 2009
Latest picture of Dimmppee~ *He updated his bloggie^^*
Wells, first day of sch! 不知道为什么?对她产生了一种陌生感。
It's only been a week, that that unknown tension starts siping into me,
the hot and stuffy sensation that u get in class,
sure to give a faster heartbeat everytime.
I'm not used to anything!!! From tying up of my damn hair,
sticking that thermometer into my mouth.
Even my handwriting looks foregin to me when I'm writing. GOSH!
It's part and parcel of life I guess. I got to survive!!!!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hi. I'm back. *为什么blog里开始的第一句话都是这句?*
This JJ pic kawaii rite!^^ Hees!
That playful look...
Really miss him from time to time...
After coming back from sch, spent an own hour soaking into JJ's websites...
Geez, I had an entertaining hour! haharhhs,
Meaning to be alr outdated and outcasted abt his news...
Ohhhs! Wadeva!
after being supposedly going to Mrs Lee's house to complete Emaths for the entire week,
I'm TIRED! = Didnt go for it yesterday. *Opps!*
Okays, but I found a good read in th library again! YEP!!
Like finally!?! It's not boring, chim, trying to show off how good a writer th author is,
It's simple but a little wierd... (Th storyline)
But coz i only read like th first 30 pages,
i cant still really tell if this book is a killer like accidental mother...
I still missed that book! Th humour and emotions in it...
*Leading to th incident where i rmb that accidental wife doesnt like w accidental mother! Humpphh!*
And it's my bloody mistake...
Now that I hav to resave th money to buy th correct one... =.=
So much output and so little income!!! God...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
*Dreaming of Minho consoling her, and gives her a comforting hug X3*
Heees, I'm back again.
Due to the upcoming teacher's day, no prelim papers on Monday& Tuesday.
So currently, I admit, I'm slacking.
Wells, but going to do a bit of studies and go on to do my teachers' pressies.
Haiis, due to the teachers' day event coming up soon,
memories of me being kicked out again year after year keeps playing in my mind.
I wonder can I really enjoy my last teachers' day in a sane manner...
*Shakes her head and sigh**
Anyways, th makings of the teachers' day gifts are making me nuts already!
*Mixed Feelings; Sighs again*
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hees. Smileys(: Cute Junsu again.
Haharhhs, dunno why recently see DongBang pics will hav the urge to post on net.
Maybe because noe that are gg to be soon disband and gone forever,
so it's like till now then noe the importance they have in my life,
like one of my daily dose of insanity.
Without them, mean without another source of entertainment.
Ohhhs! Hope that they wont disband!
Socialstudies and Chinese Prelims2 are so over,
and buang-ed. Seriously?
Sprained my hand, like AGAIN!
Stupid Bulldozer Habit
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hees. Isnt this pic cute or wad? haharhhs!
Wells, I'm once again back to my little ranting haven.
Heehhs, wells, my chinese results are back(:
No distinction, just a plain B3):
Not very expected though, thought that there would be more constrast on th range.
But since it's already fixed,
so now that i'm given a chance,
i'm seriously thinking whether to give this grade another chance to improve itself...
Arghhhs! Prelims coming in another 2 days time. Gonna go byes!
Sorry it's in a chunk. Just have no mood to colour it
Exams blues are just sipping in(:
PS: 为什么人的语气就是那么惹人厌呢?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cute pic rite? haharhhs.
Young Junsu & Yunho. Hope that they really dont disband.
Although i think each of them is wonderful,
but I think dong bang really needs each other to shine.
Self proclaimed Hols!
haharhhs, I noe my blog had been dead ever since the teacher's day auditions.
Dont blame me.
I just have no mood, Okays?
But, today, Shermaine is happy, enjoying her life currently. hees.
so blogging is into the question,
plus blogger is looking fine, like FINALLY?
So here are some updates on my life.
The happy side of life(:
Black(: Like after having it white for as long as im owning it?
2. I got a cute ringtone calling GuJunPyo!
3. Finally painted my ceramic fishy, red and yellow!
The not so happy side of life):
(You can ignore it though if uu dont care)
Though i noe there are really not much ppl who reads it. Here it goes.
Wells, for the first time in my life, i really felt worthless, i really find myself useless.
For everything, my looks/appearance, the things i do, the things i like, my attitude,
my relations w my sis& ppl around me... Nothing i do is right?
Am I really so worthless?
Mental breakdown.
Secondly, Argghhhs.
My headphone sort of cracked!!!
It's like much more ex then my phillips headphone
and it gave me probs so much quicker... =.=
Luckily there's this invention called super glue... haiix..
Sometimes, i really wonder why some ppl just like to misuse the word
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Okays, I'm back for blogging,
due to this blogger assholic problem that i think still isnt resolved!
Coz im still seeing my post as Html codes?! OMG!
Really feels like escaping to livejournal
But its better than nothing though,
Ohs, wadeva!
Practical Prelims2 coming in 1 hrs time.
Pray for me alrites?
Gonna go prepare to go to schh!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Like his current bright hair. Lols :D
Ask Blogger.
They are just seriously not trying to solve the problems of the users.
Make no sense, what are they thinking?
I HAD FUN! Wore a costume again, after like...
6 years later...
And guess wad? IT'S PINK!
No joke! PINK! haharhhs!

Therefore, equals to taking many many many pics!
Only that I promised "them" not to disclose it online. LOLS!
PS: I'm starting to hate my sch, dont ask me why.
It really sucks. Really sucks.
They just fark ppl off. Only implies to some cases.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
*Studied w Chinwon today.
School opening in 2 damn days. Gonna Be HELL.
Haiis, today, heard a duet song on Yes 933,
Dunno whether it's JJ's song or not !!!! Cause that time is like very noisy but it's like...
If anyone listen to Yes 933 during 10 30 to 11 30 pm.
Pls leave me a tag! KAES!!!!
(thinking of LiHui suddenly X:)
Hais, multi-tasking.
1. Finding for that song!
(Leaving comments, google-ing, youtube-ing)
2. Listening to a recorded version of JJ on air.
(fans so lucky!!!! HAHARHHS! JJ!!! I miss you!)
3. Rearranging of Hard Drive.
(So messy larhhs!!! AIYO!)
4. Doing some coursework.
(Dunno when then finish! 30th! DEADLINE! ** CHIONG ARHHS!**)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
haharhhs, so long nv see that blurr look of his lerhhs.
wells, sis asked me to exchange com w her, and damn,
I had to reload my boys before flowers. haiis.
Didnt want to study, and sis complained that com was lag
cleared up the data in com to exeternal drive,
arrange the "DUMPSTER" exerternal drive,
uu noe, Shermaine isnt a very neat person, U know?
wells, found a lot and I really mean A LOT!
of old pics, songs and stuff that I nv touched for ages!
haharhhs ^^
including those from the past when i was SUPER crazy abt Msia drama.
Like Jess, Eunice, William, Wayne and etc. LOADS!
now that they are no longer appealing to me.
my heart sort of ached... my efforts and my passion in the past...
where have they gone?

When they are like jus a past chapter of my life?
Sunday, June 14, 2009

haharhhs! wells, happie to say that the CEP is
FINALLY OVER! haharhhs.
However, Shermaine is happie NOT!
coz still hab to go back to schh though,
which is kinda sick.
RAWRRR! No hols at all!
wells, slacked the whole day today surfing the net,
watching BOF, GU JUN PYO!

ohhh~~~! )
but wadeva!
I think i deserved this! studied w CW the whole evening!
(happy; that I can sustain the whole day)
**lost my wallet X: ; found it back though**
But, yarhhs. pretty not happy abt it.
all alone in the dark, scary art room. AHHHHHH!*
PS: Shermaine has watched too much drama herself,
she is becoming a bit too drama herself too.

*dont you think they look like vintage vampires, so nice~
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My only entertainment, stalking them thru the net.
Whatever. Didnt go to tuition today,
figured that i would better stay home to do some revision & my SS hw.
wells. HECTIC. But it's alright it's ok? Rite Ashley?
That's the Attitude :D
Whatever. Wells, had a Super Long briefing after recess today,
regarding loads and loads of stuffs, ii cant rmb wad is it abt too.
most of it regarding wad we should and shouldnt do during O lvls coming this monday.
wells, my PENCIL CASE is exploding! GOSH!
sort of like most of the things are like exploding?
wells, actually only my file and my pencil case though XD
but since i hab extented it to a ring file, shouldnt be much of a prob now.
dunno should i upgrade it to those semi translucent kind with super big storage kind
so even if ii like put all my maths stuff it still at least fits the bill. hmmm.
Sunday, May 24, 2009

saying abt my bloody coursework, ii havent even finish with it?!
haiix, feel so guilty to have still a whole chunk of it left undone
just because i wan to chiong BOYS OVER FLOWERS,
you guys got time also must watch...
PS: Back to coursework. (Maybe, BBF; opps :S)
Saturday, May 23, 2009

siann. Life is seriously bored.
Read if uu wann. ohwadeva.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009
but anyways, I'm PROUD not to announce

Anyways sor of regretted that ii bought this stack of post it from DAISO.
HAIIS! sticky sticky derhhs.
{shall update again nest time, parents arent in a v good mood for me to blog! bb}
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
ii noe, teehhees!
feeling a bit sick, but still alrite ii think,
not having a fever or something, OF COURSE!
ni swine or something, no isolation! haharhhs.
Jus finish watching 百万大歌星

ii like,haharhhs.
i need some comfort food? haharhhs.
I need ShamWOOHOO! not the shamwoohoo, but the
See this too understand.